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Hidden Tenbury 

Often over-looked for local well-known market towns such as Malvern and Ludlow, Tenbury is a town rich in heritage, culture and community and is known as the international capital of Mistletoe with an annual market held in December each year. The town is also well-known for growing hops, cider apples and for the rearing of cattle and sheep, which is showcased in the annual Agricultural and Countryside Show held every August and at Applefest held in October.


Thanks to funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, Tenbury Wells Museum & History Group were able to deliver an exciting new project aimed at uncovering some of the hidden heritage of the town.
The Hidden Tenbury project is an inter-generational collaboration between Tenbury Wells Museum & History Group, local residents of Tenbury and students at Tenbury High Ormiston Academy, exploring and archiving the personal testimonials, memories, industrial and social histories into a digital map for anyone to enjoy.


These stories are the basis of a self-guided digital tour through ten plaques situated around the market town, each with their own specific QR code. These are easily accessed by using your smart phone or tablet to scan the code, which will immediately bring the associated story to life through video, audio and photographic images.
A trail map and leaflet can be freely obtained from the Museum or Tourist Information Office.


The project was achieved thanks to the National Lottery Players, our local project manager, Caroline Palethorpe of CMP Consultancy, along with the vast support of local residents, community leaders, business owners and of course our very own museum volunteers. 


So come and explore some of the history of Tenbury through 
this innovative digital trail and enjoy our hidden heritage gems!




The following videos found on Youtube are not projects initiated by the museum but relate to Tenbury that you may find of interest. 




Please note we do not control or have responsibility for the content of these sites

Tel: 07361 701804
only answered during opening hours

©1977-2025 Tenbury Wells Museum & History Group
A Charitable Incorporated Organisation, Number 1186814

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