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Donations to Tenbury Wells Museum

Due to the cramped space and deteriorating environment of our current site, we have no capacity to accept and store any more donated items. If you feel you have an item that is of historical significance please contact us in the first instance via the museum email. Please DO NOT deposit items at the museum. Thank You.
We are an independent museum run entirely by volunteers and as such we are obliged to raise our own funding to ensure the museum's financial stability. While we constantly aim to raise funds to cover our ongoing running costs we are now embarking on a new fundraising campaign to move site.  - Click HERE for further information

Ways to donate:

  • In the museum and make a donation either by cheque payable to 'Tenbury Wells Museum & History Group';
    by contactless card payment (tap and go)  OR by popping cash into the donations box - easy peasy!

  • Become a Member of Tenbury Wells Museum & History Group.  The £20 annual subscription gives you free admission to nine history talks per year and a say in the running of the museum via voting at the Annual General Meeting, held every March.  Drop us an email and we will send you our membership form.

  • Via PayPal using this link - or if you already have a PayPal account you can scan the QR code found on the Home page and donate any amount of your choosing

  • You can make an online donation via BACS transfer.  Please contact us via the museum email for our banking details

  • BRAND NEW! Raise money for the museum as and when you shop online via the easyfundraising scheme -  you are now able to register as a supporter of Tenbury Wells Museum, for free, via their website
    It won’t cost you a penny to claim a donation for us every time you shop online at your favourite high street stores; nearly 8,000 are participating.

    We would like to publicly thank all the many individuals, local organisations and family trusts as well as the National Lottery for their donations and grants over the last 50 years. 

Tel: 07361 701804
only answered during opening hours

©1977-2025 Tenbury Wells Museum & History Group
A Charitable Incorporated Organisation, Number 1186814

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